Plant Tip Tuesday: Top 7 Most High Maintenance Houseplants

Are you tired of the same old same old? Feeling ready to take on the world and do things you never dreamt possible? Well you’ve come to the right place. For this week’s edition of From The Potting Shed, we’ll be going over a few of some high maintenance house plants. In a world full of pothos and philodendron varieties it can be somewhat difficult to find a plant that’ll require some time and attention, giving your plant parenting skills a real challenge. To see our top 7 plants keep reading to find out more:)

African Violets: African violets are beautiful flowers, but they can be tricky to care for. They need bright, indirect light and moist soil, but they can also be susceptible to pests and diseases. To care for an African violet, you should water it when the top inch of soil is dry. You should also mist the leaves regularly to keep them humid. African violets are susceptible to mealybugs, scale, and aphids. If you see any of these pests on your plant, you should isolate it from your other plants and treat it with an insecticidal soap or Neem oil.

Orchids: Orchids are another popular houseplant, but they can be quite expensive and difficult to care for. They need specific watering and potting conditions, and they can be sensitive to changes in their environment. To care for an orchid, you should water it when the potting medium is dry. You should also fertilize it regularly with a balanced fertilizer. Orchids are susceptible to root rot, so you should make sure that the potting medium is well-draining.

Peace Lily: Peace lilies are known for their beautiful white flowers, but they can be difficult to keep alive. They need bright, indirect light and moist soil, but they can also be sensitive to overwatering. To care for a peace lily, you should water it when the top inch of soil is dry. You should also mist the leaves regularly to keep them humid. Peace lilies are susceptible to root rot, so you should make sure that the potting medium is well-draining.

Rubber Plant: Rubber plants are a popular choice for office plants, but they can be difficult to care for at home. They need bright, indirect light and moist soil, but they can also be sensitive to changes in their environment. To care for a rubber plant, you should water it when the top inch of soil is dry. You should also fertilize it regularly with a balanced fertilizer. Rubber plants are susceptible to scale, so you should inspect them regularly for pests.

Ficus Tree: Ficus trees are another popular choice for office plants, but they can be difficult to care for at home. They need bright, indirect light and moist soil, but they can also be sensitive to changes in their environment. To care for a ficus tree, you should water it when the top inch of soil is dry. You should also fertilize it regularly with a balanced fertilizer. Ficus trees are susceptible to scale, so you should inspect them regularly for pests.

Snake Plant: Snake plants are known for being very low-maintenance, but they can still be difficult to care for if you don't give them the right conditions. They need bright, indirect light and infrequent watering, but they can also be sensitive to overwatering. To care for a snake plant, you should water it when the soil is completely dry. You should also fertilize it once a month during the spring and summer. Snake plants are susceptible to mealybugs, so you should inspect them regularly for pests.

Spider Plant: Spider plants are another popular choice for low-maintenance houseplants, but they can still be difficult to care for if you don't give them the right conditions. They need bright, indirect light and infrequent watering, but they can also be sensitive to overwatering. To care for a spider plant, you should water it when the soil is completely dry. You should also fertilize it once a month during the spring and summer. Spider plants are susceptible to spider mites, so you should inspect them regularly for pests.

If you're a beginner plant parent, it's best to start with a low-maintenance plant like a succulent or a cactus. These plants are much easier to care for and less likely to die if you make a mistake. Once you've gained some experience caring for houseplants and you feel like the time to try something a bit more complicated is near, give some of these high maintenance plants a chance:)


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